-Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009
-Open source server environment.
-Runs on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS
-Generate dynamic pages
-Add, delete, update and edit data in database
-files use extension ".js"
Node.js is best for event based real time applications such as game servers, advertisement servers and streaming servers.
With Node.js web applications can have a real-time, two-way connections, where both the client and server can initiate communication, allowing them to exchange data freely and also to maintain the session information between requests for a user.
Advantages and disadvantages in Node.js
-Easily extensible.
-Support for common tools like unit testing.
-Easy to scale both horizontally and vertically.
-Ability to use single programming language.
-Increasing the performance.
-Support for npm
-Number of robust libraries is comparatively low.
-API (Application Programming Interface) is not stable
-Nit suitable for computational intensive tasks.
-Asynchronous programming model is complex.
-Growing demand for experienced professionals.
Event Loop
Event loop allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations
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